Tuesday 31 July 2012

A Castle In The Hills - Part III

Part I
Part II

                Seven cars were parked outside Braemar castle on the evening of the 9th of November. Not the sort of cars that attracted attention. As they drove past in the street it would be unlikely for anyone to stare longingly after them, no boy racers would rev their engines in challenge, but that was the purpose of these cars. They camouflaged perfectly into the mundane world through which they were driven, and nobody would be curious enough to glance through the windows at the precious cargo they often transported.
                The people who had sat in the backs of these cars were not film stars or royalty, but they were infamous in their own right. Drug dealers, gang members, the occasional politician, had all warmed the cheap leather interior and often filled the door ashtrays. The journeys all ended at this castle, where the cars would all arrive around 8pm, as if co-ordinated, and the guests would be greeted by their host, Axel Cerberus. His was a name which few people had heard and fewer knew the meaning of. He was known by those who know these things as a philanthropist, but his public appearances were few and far between, appearing at the occasional concert or ball every few years, but never talking and refusing any photographs maintained his shadowy persona. The only people who talked with him freely were the invited guests of his evening gatherings which he held every few months, just as long as he needed to compile a guest list.
                “Welcome, welcome!” His voice, strong and clear for a man who remained silent in public, carried across the courtyard to the open car doors and the approaching guests. “Please come in, dinner will be served shortly.”
                The guests muttered among themselves as they entered the dark stone palace.
                After the main course, Axel raised his glass from his seat in the middle of the table and addressed his guests.
                “Ladies, gentlemen, it is an honour to have each of you here tonight. I have sat beside you, dined and drank with you, and can honestly say that I like you all.” he smiled and there were a small murmur of approval from his small company of guests. “As such,” he continued, “I should tell you why you are here, aside from the pleasure of each other’s company. No, my friends, I am here to talk about life, and charity. You see, we are all placed upon this earth to make a difference, to help others. And my friends tonight your very being here is helping others across the world. And so, a toast. To charity!”
                A slightly less enthusiastic murmur from the table as the glasses were lifted to lips. Before they could take a sip, a sharp crack sounded as a lightbulb exploded, several crossbows were fired After the dull thud of several bolts striking wood, and a few surprised gasps, a gentle silence fell over the room.
Axel took another sip of his wine, "I think we'll skip dessert." He said quietly to the table of lifeless bodies. He gently dabbed the corner of his mouth with a napkin, stood up with such force that his chair fell backwards, and strolled out of the room, laughing.

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